"i love bire."
"so.......which bire u like????" i said.
Brie /ˈbriː/ is a soft cows' cheese named after Brie, the French province in which it originated (roughly corresponding to the modern département of Seine-et-Marne). It is pale in colour with a slight greyish tinge under crusty white mould; very soft and savoury with a hint of ammonia. The whitish mouldy rind is typically eaten, the flavor quality of which depends largely upon the ingredients used and its fabrication environment.
but for me......我對於Brie實在沒什麼熱情,沒有到像討厭blue cheese那樣討厭它,要是桌上放hard cheese, brie and blue cheese三種,我一定會選hard cheese。但是,(一定要但書的!)如果真的要讓我推薦soft cheese,我有三款強烈喜愛的明星商品值得推薦到全世界!
1.Saint Vernier
Saint Vernier, has a typical smear ripened cheese character of yeast with a distinctive yet delicate sherry-like flavor. The wine washed surface helps balance the rich, creamy paste of the interior. This cheese is not as bitter on the rind as a Normandy washed rind and displays a more fruity flavored rind.
Milk Type Cow
Cheese Type Washed Rind Cheese
Country France
Saint-Marcellin is a soft French cheese made from cow's milk. Named after the small town of Saint-Marcellin (Isère), it is produced in a geographical area corresponding to part of the former Dauphiné province (now included in the Rhône-Alpes région). It is generally small in size, weighing about 80 grams (50% fat), with a mottled creamy-white exterior.
它通常會和pot一起出售,我最愛的吃法是灑上白酒,在起司上埋入蒜送進烤箱,15分鐘內會整個非常creamy,然後只需要拿吐司沾著吃......oh my god! it's amazing! 而且它的size非常恰當,當你快要覺得噁心或是心滿意足的時候,正好就吃完了~一點都不會浪費!
3.Fromager des Clarines
Milk Type Cow
Cheese Type White Mould Cheese
Country France
Clarines is a small village in the East of France. This mild white mould cheese has a devilishly smooth texture which should be eaten by scooping out its contents with a spoon. This milky sweet cheese has a light covering of white mould and s slightly sticky texture that regularly oozes from teh centre - hence the need for the wooden box it is presented in.
"Brillat-Savarin cheese"
i. Brillat-Savarin is a
soft, white-crusted cow's milk cheese with at least 75% fat in dry matter (roughly 40% overall).
ii. Brillat-Savarin is produced all year round, and is
aged for one to two weeks. It is available as a fresh cheese (non affine) that resembles rich cream cheese.
iii. It is a
triple cream Brie that is luscious, creamy and faintly sour.
唯一只推薦will studd Brillat Savarin 200g款,500g吃起來的味道和200g不同,據同事說是用不同的細菌製造的,抹在烤過的麵包上會整個像奶油一樣融化,以往的soft cheese預熱只是流動而已。同事甚至說可以直接吃掉一整顆,但是每次吃完之後都會有得到心臟病的感覺。
"Feta cheese"
i. Feta (Greek: φέτα) is a brined curd cheese traditionally
made in Greece.
ii. Made from
sheep's milk, or from a mixture of sheep's and goats’ milk (up to 30%) of the same area, may bear the name "feta".
iii. Feta is an
aged crumbly cheese, commonly produced in blocks, and has a slightly grainy texture. It is used as a table cheese, as well as in salads (e.g the Greek salad), pastries and in baking.
Calendar Marinated Feta Jar 325gm
Origin Victoria
Milk Stock mixed (goat & ewe)
Shaw River Buffalo Mozzarella
Producer Shaw River Buffalo Cheese
Origin Yambuk, Victoria
Milk Stock Buffalo
Rennet Type Microbial (non-animal)
i. Yoghurt or yogurt is a dairy product produced by
bacterial fermentation of milk.
ii. Dairy yoghurt is produced using a culture of
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus bacteria.
iii. The milk is heated to about
80 °C to kill any undesirable bacteria and to change the milk proteins so that they set together rather than form curds. It is then
cooled to about 45 °C. The bacteria culture is added, and this temperature is maintained for 4 to 7 hours for fermentation.
It has a firm texture with a layer of rich white cream on top, it tastes sweet and creamy with a milder acidity than that typically found in other unsweetened natural yoghurts. This yoghurt contains no artificial additives, sweeteners or preservatives. This is perfect for those people looking for a lower fat alternative to cream or ice cream.
Producer Shaw River Buffalo Cheese
Origin Yambuk, Victoria
Milk Stock Buffalo
i. Cream is a dairy product that is
composed of the higher-butterfat layer skimmed from the top of milk before homogenization. In un-homogenized milk, over time, the lighter fat rises to the top.
In Australia, levels of fat in cream are not regulated, therefore labels are only under the control of the manufacturers. A general guideline is as follows:
Extra light (or 'lite'): 12–12.5% fat.
Light (or 'lite'): 18–20% fat.
Pure cream: 35–56% fat, without artificial thickeners.
Thickened cream: 35–36.5% fat 白醬義大利麵應該都是用它的樣子!
Single cream: Recipes calling for 'single cream' are referring to pure or thickened cream with about 35% fat.
Double cream: 48–60% fat
Crème is FAT!
Clotted cream
Clotted cream is a thick yellow cream made by heating unpasteurized cow’s milk and then leaving it in shallow pans for several hours. During this time, the cream content rises to the surface and forms ’clots’.
True Cornish clotted cream must be made from unpasteurised milk or the clots will not form.
It has a minimum fat content of 55%.
Clotted cream is generally served as part of a cream tea (also known as a Devonshire Tea) on (warm) scones with strawberry or raspberry jam.
重新整理完資料以後,會想把昨天做的Crème brûlée到掉。
其實還想繼續介紹我吃過最好吃的Mascarpone, butter and creme cheese.....but這篇文章打到這裡讓我有反胃和油膩膩的感覺。所以就................等我比較不油膩的時候再繼續回憶吧~