2010年8月16日 星期一

Dear Diary: Feb2010~end of July 2010_part 2 "favorite cheeses(1)"

"about mine favorite cheeses!"
I gonna start from Hard cheese.

 1. Marcel Petite Comte Gruyere

Region Franche Comte, France
Milk Stock Cows
Size 36kg approx

2.Swiss Gruyere 

Region Gruyere, Switzerland
Milk Stock Cows
Size 32kg approx

Region La Mancha Region, Spain
Milk Stock Sheeps
Size 3kg approx

Region Galicia, Spain
Milk Stock Cows
Size 900gm approx

in fact i prefer ossau iraty Reserve which is the older one!

Region Basque Region, France
Milk Stock Sheeps
Size 4kg approx

Manchego是起司品種之一名字,主要是由Manchega sheep's milk製造而成(也因此而命名),"The aged Manchego (viego) de-velops a more intense flavour and can also develop a peppery bite."viego是指超過3個月,但是我們公司不止有viego另外有6 month and 12 month Manchego,這款起司非常適合搭配cracker和下酒服用。
san simin是煙燻款起司中我的最愛,完全就像培根!!!!"The flavour is mild & buttery with an underlying smoky aftertaste."通常打開他們的箱子都會很想直接拿起來咬,整個太香!
ossau iraty品種,個人認為很像Gruyere,但較多堅果、水果味。

接下來要介紹我吃過的怪口味起司,通常是用"the test is very interested!"來形容它們。

1.Occeli Testun di Barolo
"the curd is packed with grape skins from the production of the local Val Casotto Barolo wine. "

Region Piedmont Foothills, Italy
Milk Stock Goat & Sheep
Size 6kg approx

2.Emmental de Savoie (http://www.emmental-de-savoie.com/emmental-carte_ID.htm)
Type : Pâte pressée cuite
Nationalité : Française
Taille / poids : Environ 75 kg pour 75 cm de diamètre,le plus gros fromage français.
Date de naissance : Au 19e siècle.

Unpasteurised cow’s milk cheese from Savoie. A blonde, creamy, semi-hard cooked cheese with fruitier flavours than other Emmentals, during the maturation the cheese is kept alternately in cool and warm cellars this produces large amounts of carbon dioxide, which cannot escape the crust, thus forming large holes in the cheese known as “eyes”.
可以理解大家對於Emmental的熱情源自於卡通過度渲染,以至於我們會以為所有起司都是有"eyes"的。它本人超級大顆!看重量"75kg"就知道有多大,通常都是直接開lift到cutting room;至於味道......實在無法成為我的最愛,口感有彈性、吃起來像塑膠、偏甜,我想它只是長的很可愛,但是內在很空洞。

3.Cacio di bosco Pecorino al tartufo
Cacio Di Bosco al Tartufo is a Tuscan cheese made from both sheep's and cow's milk. It is studded with tiny specks of truffles and is pure heaven to eat. The long maturation balances the taste of pecorino with the strong taste of truffle, and it has a friable and slightly sour paste. The ingredients blend together superbly, making for a beautiful balance between garlicky truffle and nutty, sweet, almost caramelized aged sheep's milk. This delicious cheese is firm, smooth, and oily, dotted with big flecks of truffle. It is refreshing as a table cheese and also shreds well to top risotto.




4 則留言:

nix 提到...

那個腳臭混合酒香的起士~~~好像超有名的!!!(我好像看過他不只一次= =)...只是聽到是腳臭...就不會想靠近了@@

장지효 提到...

它本人也頗貴,如果遇到的話即使有腳臭也要試吃看看阿阿阿阿阿!!!!!!XD 口味其實很OK的啦! 不用怕XD

walkcities1983 提到...


장지효 提到...

there is no smoke without fine.